“Have fun with it!”
It’s not often your boss says, “…have fun with it!” and means it. But that’s what the Head of Marketing at Bally Sports told me when we needed to create some “fun” excitement around the Detroit Tigers taking their annual trip to Lakeland, Florida for spring training. The campaign kicked off with the “return to play” after COVID and ran for three years. The catch? We never really had a budget… or at least not a “budget, budget.” We did have a little money to shoot with, a massive stock footage library, lots music at our disposal and I was able to finagle an amazing talent in Bob Boving (Think Progressive Insurance) to voice the spots for the duration! The result was a heck of a lot of fun. (Writer / Art Director / Editor)
2021 Tigers Spring Training TV
2022 Tigers Spring Training TV
2023 Tigers Spring Training TV